FAQ for Pacwest Little League:
-Which league do I belong to?
Go to https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/league-finder/ to find your league. You can use your home address or school address to register, St Francis and St Bernadette’s are both Pacwest schools.
-How much does it cost?
Teeball/Coach Pitch $125 and AA/AAA/Majors/Jr’s $140. There are scholarships available through T-Mobile Call Up Grant https://www.littleleague.org/call-up-grant-program/ or Pacwest has scholarships available.
-Where/where are practices/games?
Practices are ultimately decided by the coach. Before the season starts there will be 2 practices a week Mon/Wed or Thurs/Tues the practice will be at a school or park in the Tukwila or Burien Area. Once games start (first week of April) there will be 2 games a week (one weekday and one Saturday). All weekday games start at 530. Most games will be played at the Pacwest Little League Complex (14649 16th Ave S). All games will be played within 10 miles from the Pacwest Fields. Practices during the season will depend on the coaches.
-Where do I sign up?
Go to www.pacwestlitteleague.com and click the register button in the upper right-hand corner.
-What division should I sign up for?
You can go to https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/determine-league-age/ to figure out your child’s league age. These are the suggestions for divisions for baseball/softball: Tee Ball 4-6 years old, Coach Pitch (CP) 6- years old, AA Kid Pitch 7–9-year-old, AAA 9-11 years old, Majors 10-12 years old, Intermediate 13 years old, Juniors 13-15 years old, and Seniors 14-16 years old.
-Will my child have to try out?
Tryouts are only required for AAA, Majors, and Jr divisions if we enough players for multiple teams. All kids make a team we do tryouts to have fair and balanced teams. We will never turn a kid away, but we do get final say in which division the child plays in.
-What do you need to play?
The player will need a glove and cleats. We strongly suggest buying your own helmet but not necessary. We can supply any gear that you can’t purchase. The league provides a hat, jersey, socks, and pants (we don’t provide pants for AAA and above unless they are requested).
-Who runs Pacwest Little League?
Pacwest is run by ALL volunteers. This means that the field prep is done by VOLUNTEERS help your coaches prep fields before games. When you have no umpire for a game that means no one volunteered to umpire the game. Please volunteer to help anywhere you can. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer. We understand that people are busy, but a few hours can go a long way.